#0043 Actress/Activist - Sophia Bush

Today’s guest is actress and activist Sophia Bush. When Sophia was growing up, she envisioned herself as a cardiovascular surgeon, and had her life mapped out accordingly. That all changed when she performed in a play to complete her arts credit in high school and was bitten hard by the acting bug. From that moment on, she threw everything she had into acting. Her hard work paid off a few years later when she was cast as a lead on the WB show One Tree Hill. The show would air for nine seasons, catapulting Sophia’s career to new heights and making her a household name. And for some that would’ve been enough. But as you just heard in the opening, she decided to use her platform as a celebrity to fight for causes she believes in and in so doing rediscovered her love for her college major of journalism. 

So listen in as we cover everything from when she was just starting out in auditions and competing with the same three actresses for every role, how she initially wanted nothing to do with social media until tabloid culture forced her hand, and how she’s passing the time in COVID isolation.

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