#0058 Cocofloss - Chrystle and Cat

Today’s guests are sisters Chrystle and Cat Cu, co-founders of the hottest thing in the floss market since…well…ever. Imagine the last time you bought floss, or for some of you, imagine that you’ve ever bought floss. You walk down the aisle in the store and you see a bunch of companies basically selling the same thing. It might have different packaging or flavor, but the product itself might as well be indistinguishable from one company to the next. And they’re all just kind of bland. And this is the part of the problem that Chrystle was running into over and over at her dental practice. Try as she may, she couldn’t get her patients to floss. Here’s the part we can all relate to, every time we go to the dentist and they ask how often you’ve been flossing, we either lie or feel some variation of “not enough”. So faced with this recurring problem, Chrystle teamed up with Cat and together they built a better proverbial mousetrap.
Listen in as we cover everything from how they piggybacked off the popularity of coconut oil to launch Cocofloss, how they set their first price point just to break even on shipping costs, and much more.