#0129 - Leah O'Malley & Tori Robinson - Boys Lie

Today’s guests are Leah O’Malley and Tori Robinson, lifelong friends and co-founders of the clothing brand Boys Lie. It’s probably safe to assume that a fair share of us have experienced heartbreak, and in Leah and Tori’s case, they turned their heartbreak into a mantra. That mantra would become the eventual inspiration to launch something bigger than the two of them; to connect with a world of women who had also gone through a bad breakup. They decided on a makeup line. The problem was that the makeup line didn’t connect as they had intended. But the two women were far from finished, and they pivoted to manufacturing streetwear. And with this new venture, they finally found their audience and connected in a BIG way.

Listen in as we cover everything from how they’ve had their own trouble with paparazzi, why they’ll anonymously answer support emails from time to time, and why you should never go into business with your best friend.